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July Recap 2021: New World Coming

New World Coming by Nathan Miller

LLBC Rating: 6/10

Book Synopsis: New World Coming summarizes the 1920's and shows us that it was not very different from the world today. Though progress has been made, the treatment of minority groups remains an issue at the forefront of American politics.

As the beginning of July was busy for the whole club, this month we were unable to have a meeting to read and discuss the first chapter of the book. However, this was a happy accident as it left much discussion available for the final meeting. As this book was very much like a textbook, the reading for the month was only for a few selected chapters. We stuck to chapters 1 and 11 as those seemed to be some of the most interesting and promted some great discussion.


To celebrate the era which we studied in July, we were lucky enough to spend an evening in the theatre where a group of thespians put on a wonderful rendition of the 1966 musical, Cabaret. This musical was a perfect fit for the month's topic as it shows what is behind the gild of The Gilded Age. The shiny costumes, spotlights, and fun music could only cover the horrors to come for a short time.

The outing was especially fun as we knew the aspiring actress playing Sally Bowles, the lead role. Our friend Jaelyn was incredible and I would be lying if I said we did not feel a little star struck when we congratulated her after the show!


Though much of the book was left unread, the selected chapters sparked much conversation. Our club became stuck first on the idea that the 1920's is where trends began. With how wide spread the radio became at this time, it was easier for messages to reach a larger audience and start new trends.

This conversation began with our love of flappers, the bad girls of prohibition, and slowly transitioned into society today, specifically how society impacts women. With today's technology, trends and fads change so much faster than they did 100 years ago. These trends changing so quickly, and the incesant need that young women feel to fit in, requires us to practice unhealthy habits in order to keep up.

Of course, as women, we do not need to keep up with these trends, as they should not define us. We are perfect just how we are and in whatever way makes us happy, as cheesy as that sounds, its true! The movement for body positivity and self acceptance seem to be moving this conversation forward and we cannot wait to see what will happen next.

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