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Reading as a Resolution

With the start of the New Year, many people are making resolutions and intentions around the goals they want to achieve this year. For some, a resolution might be quitting a bad habit or trying a new routine. For others, the new year is a chance to reflect on how to be better than last year and continue to build on the good habits built during the previous year. In our book club, one of the most common resolutions for the new year is to read more books. Because this can be a broad, overwhelming goal, I want to share a few of my tips and tricks to start and stay reading in the new year! 

Be Realistic

Setting a numerical reading goal is the most common intention I hear this time of year. Although this can be aspirational, it can also be unrealistic and create unnecessary pressure. This may cause people to read shorter, simpler books and avoid longer, more complex novels. Instead, this goal should be relative to the reader. For example, if you only read 2 books last year, your goal may be to read 3 or 4 books this year. If you read 24 books this year, maybe you increase it to 30. If you didn’t read any books, maybe your goal is to read 20 pages a week. Every reading journey is unique so it’s best to keep your goal realistic and achievable to avoid getting discouraged or overwhelmed. 

Try New Things

Another roadblock that many run into on their reading journey is deciding what to read next! While this can feel like an impossible decision, it’s also a great opportunity to diversify your bookshelf and dive into a genre that you’re unfamiliar with. Although I tend to lean towards mystery/thrillers or historical fiction, I’ve grown to be a huge fan of nonfiction by reading books on subjects I’m passionate or curious about. If you’re struggling to make a decision, ask friends for recommendations/books to borrow, browse top-rated books, or visit your local bookstore to see what peaks your interest. You can also find a book club approved suggestion by checking out our book reviews here or feel free to send us a message on Instagram! 

Revisit your Bookshelf

Getting back into reading is a great time to take a look at your bookshelf and see if there are any books that you never got around to. Alternatively, there may be an old favorite that you’d want to revisit. This can be a great way to begin your reading journey. I’ll admit that I have a few books on my shelf that I bought but never even started. Rather than searching for a new book or spending money, start with your bookshelf first. Your past self will thank you! Revisiting an old favorite can be a reminder of what you love about books and might even inspire your next pick. 

Keep a Reading Log 

A great way to track your progress is through a reading log/journal. This can be as simple or as complex as you’d like. For some, this may be a full journal with a rating, synopsis, and full review of the book. For others, it may just be the book and a rating. You can also download a reading app i.e. Goodreads, Bookworm, Bookly, etc.  Whatever this looks like for you, keeping track of what you read can help you stay accountable. This is also a great way to reflect on your reading habits and get inspired to read more! 

Share with Friends!

As a Lady Literacy Book Club member, I’ve found that reading with friends and sharing my reading goals has been a huge help to motivate and encourage better reading habits. You may be interested in joining a book club or even starting one on your own. If you’re not quite there yet, you can always invite friends to hangout to have some company and dedicated time for reading. Even sharing your thoughts about a book on an online forum can help you form your opinion and connections. If you’re interested in joining the LLBC forum, you can check it out here.

Ultimately, your reading journey is your own and figuring out what works for you is part of the fun! Whether you’re an avid reader or just trying to get back into reading, I hope you’re able to use these recommendations to start or get back on track with your reading goals. Let me know in the comments below what books are on your 2024 book list and if you have any other tips for aspiring readers!

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